Loreto House Creative feat. Catholic Creations

Loreto House Creative feat. Catholic Creations

Contributor // Kaycee Brescher, Founder of Catholic Creations

Social Media //

Instagram | @catholic.creations

Etsy | Etsy.com/shop/catholiccreationshop 

Loreto House Creative is excited to feature Catholic Creations to the community! So without further ado, here is the amazing Kaycee Brescher the founder of Catholic Creations

Catholic Creations mission is to create lovely Catholic items for your domestic church and to strengthen your relationship with Christ. 

Catholic Creations has found major success in opening up its very own Etsy shop. What’s unique is the way Kaycee describes opening up the shop as a “leap of faith”. It really is such a leap of faith and trust in God, but what’s even sweeter is the feeling that *you* did it regardless of how fear might have got in the way. I think we can all learn from Kaycee because I’m sure most of us have felt fear and the “what ifs” start to take hold, but looking at Catholic Creations, we can see that it is worth it to keep pressing in and putting yourself out there. 

Another great tip Kaycee Brescher shares is how she researched companies that inspired her (ordering products from them to see how they package, viewing Etsy shop to see how they describe products, etc.). Y’all...what a GREAT and practical tip! Holy cow! Seriously. For all those who create and/or sell ANYTHING why not learn from those who have gone before you and mimic how they sell their products? There is nothing wrong with that! And it helps you yourself as a business owner come up with your own unique ideas, but you’re learning from those who have already done it and have been successful. If you take anything away from what Catholic Creations has done, this is a HUGE tip.

Her last tip revolves around an organization and keeping a separate planner for her business. This helps her keep track of her social schedule and ideas. The hardest part about this is getting the motivation to START. We all know how important organizing is, but to actually have the motivation is a whole new challenge. Kaycee proves the necessity of staying consistently organized. 

Now to move on to some areas that have been highlighted as some sticky points for Catholic Creations 

1. Comparing myself to other shops success who have been open longer or have more followers 

2. Trying to post every single day on IG and getting burned out. 

3. Being too hard on myself. 

If I could yell this loud enough for the people in the back, I would! GUYS. The comparison games gets to every single one of us! How many times are we comparing ourselves to someone doing the exact same thing as us with 10+ years into the game?! How ridiculous is that? Look, I am also guilty of this and I have to fight it every day, but maybe this is an opportunity for all of us to lift one another up and hold each other accountable to NOT do this. 

I could go deeeeep into being too hard on myself or burning out from posting every day, but I’ll save that for another time. The one thing to take away from this is - most of us are struggling with the exact same things! A question for you would be, how do YOU not get burnt out from the feeling of needing to post every day? 

Lastly, here are some AMAZING words of encouragement from Catholic Creations:

“Just start! You don't need the perfect plan. Just get started with what you have and grow and build! The Holy Spirit gave you these talents... Now use them! Share your gifts with the world!”

Take a look at Catholic Creations question. Do you have the same question? Do you have some insight into what she’s asking? I have my thoughts, whatever they are worth, but I’ll save that for another day…

Do I add more products or do I just work on my niche that I know sells?


Make sure to follow and like Catholic Creations



Guys, Catholic Creations shared a TON of helpful insight and I personally feel like I need to dig into the thoughts she shared. Loreto House Creative is truly blessed to have our amazing contributors share their hearts and we can’t wait to see what else we will learn from other contributors. Until next time!


Loreto House Creative feat. A Young Catholic Woman


LHC feat. Pen without Ceasing