LHC feat. Pen without Ceasing

Loreto House Creative feat. Pen without Ceasing

Contributor // Christina Lazaroo

Social Media //

Instagram | @penwithoutceasing

Facebook | Pen Without Ceasing 

Loreto House Creative is excited to feature our first contributor to the community! We can learn more from each other’s experiences than alone. So without further ado, here is the amazing Christina Lazaroo the creator of Pen without Ceasing.

Christina is passionate and really loves the Catholic faith. She REALLY LOVES the saints and wants to share it with other Catholics out there. Her way of drawing others closer to Christ is through her art and products online store, Pen without Ceasing. 

Some background about Christina...

“Well, ok so firstly, I come from Malaysia so to own a catholic business is not that easy because the Catholic market here is small compared to the western countries and even some Asian countries such as India and the Philippines. But this is a dream of mine - to eventually run a more modernized Catholic store”

“As a new business owner, I have experienced a lot of competition as our targeted market is very, very small. Nonetheless, there are also good experiences as this is a great opportunity for me to introduce the life of so many amazing saints to people through my products and content. The people behind my success, of course, God, my family, and friends who have been ever so supportive in ensuring I pursue my dream.”

“In a country like this, we are still grateful that we are allowed to practice Catholicism openly, unlike in some countries!  But I guess at the end of the day, it's all about relying on God, that if this is something He is calling me to do, then it must serve some purpose somewhere! And if even one person at the least is moved by the work that I do, then that itself is more than enough.”

Something that we all experience is a comparison and here is Christina’s perspective.

“If it’s one mistake I've made for the longest time, it would be comparing myself to the other handful of Catholic/Christian stores or creators out there. Comparison is truly a thief of joy! I spent a lot of time comparing myself to others but I am learning, and I try as much to spend more time bettering myself instead :)”

Who else can identify with that? I know I can, so thank you Christina for being bold and speaking the truth over this. 

Christina is full of wisdom and advice, but here is just a nugget of her wisdom

“God has given all of us different gifts. If He wanted us all to do the same thing, he wouldn't make us unique. So find that uniqueness in you, work on that, and leave the rest to God! “


Here is a question Christina is currently facing-

How can I use this platform that I have to bring those who have drifted away, back to God through my products/sharings on my page?

If you also are wondering this same question, please leave a comment below. 

Take a moment to follow Pen without Ceasing and showing her some love and support!

Instagram | @penwithoutceasing

Facebook | Pen Without Ceasing


Loreto House Creative feat. Catholic Creations