Business Education and Resources

Running your own business doesn’t have to be overcomplicated, frustrating, or force you to choose between your values and the success of your business. Discover sustainable business strategies and marketing methods that work without forcing you to compromise your Faith.

Who’s Your Catholic Target Market?

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Sometimes it’s hard to know exactly who you’re trying to service with your latest idea! Check out this worksheet to jot down your target persona in the Catholic space so you can have a better idea of how to position your service.

How to Drive Market Awareness

Here are the 5 ways I have driven Awareness to my own Catholic Business. I hope that this gives you some ideas of what to pursue next as a Catholic Entrepreneur Woman!

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7 Day Social Media Content Kit

Here are 7 different unique post ideas to help your Catholic business get noticed on social media!

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The Catholic Business Owner Prayer

Download and print this prayer to place at your desk. Starting your work day with a prayer is a must!

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A Litany of Peace for Catholic Women Entrepreneurs

Grab your own PDF download to print out and place wherever you find yourself needing the reminder of the Lord’s peace.

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