New Year, Not so New Me

Can you believe we are already in 2022?! I don’t know exactly where 2021 went…and I’m sure I’m not the only one saying that. It was a year of adventure. I got married in February, moved 3 times, traveled EVERYWHERE including a not-planned-in-the-slightest trip to Italy and a 2-week long bus tour with my husband and The Vigil Project. It really is funny how as you get older, the days slip by quicker and quicker. When I was younger I would definitely get on the bandwagon for “New Year’s Resolutions”, but the older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve realized how those totally let me down. I end up falling short by the 3rd week of January and being harder on myself. Can anyone else relate? I’m a type-A person who expects perfection from myself and if that isn’t met, then I feel like a failure. So these resolutions that end up going south tend to leave me feeling frustrated with myself and not so excited for a new year with new adventures.

So this year I have decided something different. I want Jesus to transform my heart, rather than my own human abilities to decide where I need to change or improve. The season of Advent that we just concluded reminded me of just how much God can do in a heart. How much He can do in me if I am just receptive. He also showed me how circumstances can be an absolute cluster and YET He can still breathe His life and transformation over my heart.

God does amazing things if we just let Him be HIM. Which is extremely hard for me to wrap my human mind around. I always think more is more and rest is for the lazy. The more I do creates bigger the results, right? What’s even more hilarious about this is we live in a culture that promotes self-help, self-actualization, and slowing down. Somehow I have the hardest time truly accepting this. But that is because I always believe I am in the driver’s seat.

This year is a year for me to begin learning how to step aside and let God work through everything in my life for His good. Because of this, I will have to remind myself that it’s not always going to feel comfortable. Change is ugly 9/10 times. But change with God’s hand guiding is purifying. Purification is never fun at the moment, but it is sweet because of the knowledge of the outcome.

For all those planning big things in 2022, here’s a friendly reminder to be okay if things don’t go as planned. It’s okay if it becomes chaotic and you “feel” like it’s not going in the right direction. Takes those moments to turn back to God. I’m going to try my hardest to do this and maybe we can all hold each other accountable.

For all those launching new business ideas, kicking off something you’ve put on hold, or anything in between, remember that God is truly in control. He will change you and your heart to fit His plan. You might not see it at first (or for a while), but clarity will come one day because our God is a good and gracious God.

Happy 2022 to all my friends - let’s let God move this year!



Do you ever feel like there is something more?


Filling the Void